Less than a week to go! Overlord Show 2018
There is less than a week to go until this year’s Overlord Show.
The team are hard at work setting up the field as we speak. The grass has been cut, we have made major improvements to the main vehicular roadways in the vehicles field and also in the public carpark – 100 tons of tarmac planings have been distributed atop ballast to level and remove ruts from the field and prevent potential flooding. However, the forecast looks good for the back end of next week and across the weekend so this is unlikely to be a problem. It will be quite breezy and sunny so remember to bring sun cream so you don’t get burnt.
All exhibitor passes and information such as sign-in sheets have now been printed and will be sent down to the field in the coming days for exhibitors when they arrive. A polite notice that exhibitors are NOT permitted on site before noon on Wednesday so please do not turn up before then.
Over the show weekend, we will be quite busy and we may not be able to respond promptly to emails or messages. Most information can be found out on the Show Info pages. Entry Prices, Open/Close Times, the programme and FAQs are all there!