Overlord 2017
The show team is currently working hard at planning the Overlord Show for 2017.
We hope to make vast improvements over previous years with an all new Show Team, so lots of new ideas to be considered for implementation.
There will be a lot of work going on behind the scenes to improve the way the show operates in terms the application process for exhibitors, re-enactors/living history and traders, new improved forms and dedicated contact links for each department. We will be opening up for applications in the coming months, so keep an eye out.
Flyers have been designed and we are just waiting on a decision from SOE as to what will be the headline charity for 2017.
We are looking at ways to improve the showground, access, drainage and appearance. Teams will dispatched to tend to these matters throughout the year. There may well be some changes to the arrangement of exhibits around of the show ground.
Make sure to mark 27th-29th May 2017 into your calendar.
We hope to see you there.